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Jul 25, 20204 min read
God Does Not Make Mistakes
I don’t use the word God very often in my blogs. But it’s not because I don’t believe in God or at least a super powerful source of...
Apr 1, 20205 min read
Do Unto Others
Have you ever thought about how other people treat you and why? Like when you are in a bad mood you seem to run into other bad mooders....
Sep 13, 20193 min read
Connect The Dots
Well lately I have been describing life in this way. I’ll give you an example of a friend of mine. She is working as a server in a...
Jul 9, 20197 min read
Today is Someday
How many times have you thought, someday I’m going to blah, blah, blah, only to save a few bucks and then something happens where you...
Apr 16, 20194 min read
Go With the Flow
I know you’ve heard the saying, “Go with the flow” before. But do you know what it really means? Well I’m going to tell you what it means...
Nov 9, 20186 min read
God is Colorless
Do you know why I call my web site “Love Equals Love”? It’s because I want to convey the message that what you put out will surely come...
Sep 11, 20187 min read
I was listening to a recording of Dr. Wayne Dyer the other day and he said something that really hit home with me. He said that the word...
Jul 21, 20187 min read
Who Are You?
It’s been my practice to learn as much as I can about myself. Because if you don’t know who you are how can you present yourself to the...
Apr 30, 20186 min read
When I First started paying attention to how everything made me feel, I realized that I had all the control of my emotions, and if I...
Apr 9, 20186 min read
Looking Through Rose Colored Glasses
I know most people think that they need to look at what is and react to it whether it is something wanted or something unwanted. But the...
Feb 25, 20186 min read
Re-train Your Brain
So, if you have been following my blogs you know about the law of attraction. So you also know that you get what you think about whether...
Feb 15, 20185 min read
PMS, Not What You Think…
I know when people hear the acronym PMS they think of premenstrual-syndrome, and you can see why. PMS has been the curse of a lot of...
Oct 16, 20177 min read
Let Go of the Residue
My life has been pretty good lately. I have really resonated with the fact that this is an attraction based universe. I have proven it to...

Aug 29, 20175 min read
You’re Always Here, You’re Never There
I once had a boyfriend that always said, “I’m always here, I’m never there.” At the time I didn’t think too much about it. But today as I...
Aug 21, 20176 min read
Look for the Silver Lining
Have you ever had things go terribly wrong only to find out later that whatever it was that happened turned out to be a blessing in...
Aug 14, 20176 min read
What Does Satisfaction Feel Like?
Satisfaction is a word that doesn’t get enough recognition as far as I’m concerned. What is satisfaction? For me it is a feeling of...

Aug 9, 20178 min read
So everyone has ideas of what they want and why they want it. And it is my belief that we can all accomplish what most might call the...
Jul 17, 20175 min read
You Be You, And I’ll Be Me
I have been practicing being in alignment with my inner being lately. What I have realized is that the more attention I give to myself,...

Jan 27, 20166 min read
That Sneaky Doubt
I know that it is easier said than done when someone is constantly telling you to think positive. What about all the negative things that...
Jan 19, 20165 min read
Focus on the Good
Have you ever noticed how the bad things in life get so much attention? Like when there is a disaster the media jumps on it and repeats...
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