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You’re Always Here, You’re Never There

Happy people

I once had a boyfriend that always said, “I’m always here, I’m never there.” At the time I didn’t think too much about it. But today as I was driving to work the idea popped into my head that this statement was very profound. It is the truest statement I have ever heard. If you really give it some thought you can see that it makes a lot of sense to those of us who are always striving to live in the now. If I am always here then I must be living in the now. Just like there is no tomorrow, because when tomorrow gets here it is actually today. Oh yes, you can think about tomorrow or the future but you are doing it now. And you can travel to there, but once you get there you are actually here once again. When you pay attention to where you are it is a much happier way to live. You don’t need to justify how you got here, only know that everything that has occurred in your life has brought you to this point in time and it is exactly where you are supposed to be. And you don’t want to think too far into the future because the what-ifs start popping up and you can get cross-ways of what you are wanting.

Life is supposed to be fun. Sure, there are things that we do that most people would consider not fun but if you really look for it there is an element of fun in everything we do. Half of the fun is looking for it and finding it. People spend too much time fretting over things they have no control over and this is what gets them all balled up. The only thing we have total control over, if we choose to practice it, is our emotions. Think about the animals of our world. They do not fret, not one little bit, especially our domestic pets. They are not worried about getting up on time for work or what they are going to wear today. They don’t ask anyone what’s for dinner, they just wait until the bowl is full and then they eat what’s there. They have no doubt that they will be taken care of. We need to feel more like that in order to free up our minds to think about more fun stuff to do.

Or think about it this way. What if you were a new born baby? You don’t worry that you will starve. You give a little cry out to mom or dad and they come with a bottle. And when your diaper is dirty they change you. And besides sleeping, those are the only things that you need. Life is simple and good. If you really stretch your imagination you can see that this is how the universe works. When you start believing that everything is always taken care of for you, you can relax and enjoy yourself. Use your emotions as your guide. The happier you are the more things will go your way. Once you practice this for a while you will never want to go back to fretting. You will realize what a waste of time it is and how bad it is on your wellbeing. You must realize that happiness is a choice and once you apply it to your everyday life you will feel better; not only emotionally but physically as well. I have said this before in many of my blogs that everything starts on the inside. That means that the only way to feel better is to fill yourself with happy thoughts and be as loving as possible. When you choose to share your love and joy you attract other like-minded people it becomes a constant loop of bliss. Why would anyone want anything less than that?

One thing that works well for me is to smile at myself in the mirror, and say, “I love you Deb.” When you love yourself fully you see it reflected back through the eyes and actions of others. It gets more and more exciting to me to see how loved I am through others. And it also reflects back from our domestic animals. They just seem to gravitate to me now in a way I have never known before. It makes me know that I am on my right track and I have nothing but great things in store for me. It is so easy for me to talk to people and play and have fun in everything I do. I look for the right person to sit next to on an airplane or at the lunch counter in a restaurant. When I purposely sit next to someone it always turns out to be a fun time. You may be thinking that you are too shy or embarrassed to talk to a stranger but believe me it is more fun than you think. You’re probably never going to see that person again so who cares if you act silly. In fact, being silly is what children do all the time and they don’t worry if someone is looking at them funny. Have you ever watched a young child at a doctor’s office playing and laughing, while all the adults are somber and serious? That’s because they know that there is nothing serious going on here. They are a great example of always being here. If I were you, I would stop worrying and fretting, and I would kick fear to the curb. Life is so good when you let it be. Give yourself permission to be free and take deep breaths when you feel overwhelmed. Line up with your inner being and see how great things, really are. Treat yourself the way you want to be treated and you will see that others treat you that way too.

I love my life so much that I can’t help but share what I have learned with all of you lovely people. And once you start filling yourself with this everlasting joy you will want to share it too. It becomes addicting and then contagious. But it is better than any drug that is out there. It is a high that will become a euphoric familiarity that you will want to cherish forever. Remember there is nothing serious going on here and you can’t get it wrong and you’ll never get it done. New thoughts and ideas will constantly be coming to you and life will continue to get better and better.

So what are we talking about here? We are talking about being present in the here and now and staying as happy as possible. Making better choices and looking for the fun in life. How much easier could it be? Be happy, be happy, be happy! And then be happy some more! Okay so now you got it. So go do it. Practice fun, joy and love. Life will change in what seems to be in miraculous ways, but in reality that is the way it is supposed to be. And one more thing, remember there is always great love here for you.

Forever, Your Friend,

Deb Mertan

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