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Oct 14, 20233 min read
Don’t Let Fear Interfere
What would this world be like if we let fear rule all our decisions? What if Thomas Edison let fear of failing keep him from figuring out...

Jun 20, 20224 min read
Law of Attraction is Your Best Friend
Have you ever thought about how things manifest? Have you ever thought about something you wanted and then suddenly it showed up like...

Aug 13, 20215 min read
Limitations Are Just an Illusion
Listen on Spotify How many of you believe that there is a limit on how much money you can make? Well, I’m going to guess that it’s a...

May 19, 20203 min read
Dear Government
You know that saying, “What would Jesus do?” well some people don’t believe in Jesus. But everyone knows about love. Or at least they...
Jan 23, 20204 min read
You’re Trying too Hard
As many of you might know I have been making it a habit of staying calm, and letting life unfold for me. What I mean by that is that I am...
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