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May 21, 20223 min read
I would say that most people know how a boomerang works. You throw it out into the air and it circles back around to you. I know it’s...
Jan 16, 20194 min read
What to Expect When You Love You
Self-love is at the basis of being your authentic self. But for most of us it has been taken away at an early age by people trying to...
Feb 25, 20186 min read
Re-train Your Brain
So, if you have been following my blogs you know about the law of attraction. So you also know that you get what you think about whether...
Dec 13, 20177 min read
I have mentioned the word momentum in some of my blogs, but I really want to impress upon you how important momentum is. Have you ever...

Oct 20, 20176 min read
I Found the Fountain of Youth
I guess it may sound like a fairy tale to most people, that there could be a fountain of youth. But that is because they, whomever they...
Oct 16, 20177 min read
Let Go of the Residue
My life has been pretty good lately. I have really resonated with the fact that this is an attraction based universe. I have proven it to...

Aug 9, 20178 min read
So everyone has ideas of what they want and why they want it. And it is my belief that we can all accomplish what most might call the...
May 10, 20176 min read
A Deliberate Creator
Please believe me when I say that you and every single living thing on this planet are much more than this physical body, that you see as...

Sep 2, 20165 min read
Make a Decision Already!
Clarity is so liberating. Life is like a smorgasbord of things to choose from and when we feel unsure or out of sorts in some way it can...
Jul 19, 20164 min read
New Perspective
New Perspective People these days are too preoccupied with the negative stuff happening all over the world right now. The news repeats...
Feb 14, 20165 min read
Be Intentional
It’s not for me to know why someone else does what they do. I can only take care of me and my journey in life. I just know that if we...
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