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The World is Waking Up


 I don’t know if any of you notice that there is a change in consciousness lately. People are starting to talk about Law of Attraction more openly now. And I truly believe that we are coming together as a human race. I believe that people are tired of the way our governments are running things. We’re also tired of how religions are all fighting to be the only right one. Spirituality is not religion. It is a personal connection between each of us with our creator. We all have our own relationship with that which we call God or our Source of Infinite Intelligence. No matter what name you give it, we all belong to the same one spirit. We are, after all, spiritual beings having a human experience. So in essence we are all God. 

     I know that this concept is hard for some people to digest, but it’s true. Of course we all have the right to believe what we want to, but have you asked yourself lately if your beliefs are still serving you? Sometimes we need to take stock of our thoughts and beliefs to see if they still hold true. It really is okay to change your mind about your old beliefs. You are not the same person you were ten years ago, or even a year ago. So you see, it’s a good thing to check in every once in a while to see if you still resonate with the old you. 

     Do you remember what was going on in the year 2012? Well let me remind you. That was the year of the end of the Mayan calendar. People thought it was the beginning of the end of the world. But in reality it was the end of the old way of thinking and the beginning of the new world. It was the beginning of an awakening to the spirituality that is bringing us together as a human race.But because humans are stubborn, the Universe has been trying to get our attention by bringing us the pandemic. It might have seemed like a bad thing, but my belief is that it was a way to bring humanity together. It was a WAKE UP call. 

     And have you also noticed how smart the new humans are that are coming into this world? Even little babies are able to find their favorite programs on a cell phone. My belief is that the old people that think in the old ways are dying off, and the new breed of humans are taking over. My hope is that more people will see how it is much better to get along than to fight wars. War is senseless. It accomplishes nothing but more hate and more killing. Really, the only way to stop hate is to love. Love is the whole reason we are here. Whether it’s self-love or love of the Universe, it all counts. More and more I’m hearing from people that can communicate with the spiritual realm that we are on the verge of a great awakening. And it all starts with loving one another.

     It’s time to realize that we can all consciously choose our beliefs. We have the right and the ability to change the way we think. And remember about the Law of Attraction. We get what we think about the most. So why not focus on LOVE? Spend more time in nature, even if it’s in your own garden. Have you ever heard the saying,”Stop and smell the roses”? Well it’s true, that if we paid more attention to the flowers and trees and the birds in the sky, we would feel more connected to the whole Universe. We are all tiny specs in the grand scheme of things. Think of a drop of water in the ocean. It is not separate from the ocean, it is the entire ocean. That’s what we are, the whole Universe.We have more power than we realize. But now it’s time to WAKE UP and KNOW  that we can make the world a more loving place, just by intending to think better thoughts. I know it sounds too easy, but that’s exactly right. It is simple, but as humans we think there should be a struggle to get what we want. But our thoughts are very powerful, and we could choose to live the lives we desire. And thank God that we don’t all want the same things. That would be a mess. And when we hurt one another, we are actually hurting ourselves as well. And when we all realize this truth we will WAKE UP! And everyone can live the life they desire. And happiness will become the norm. Life is supposed to be good and fun and happy. I choose to live this way, and I am very happy. I do have things happen that seem bad in my life. But I know now that we are all on our own journey, and I don’t feel as bad about things as I used to. Example; My youngest brother just passed away. And although I felt the sting of the news at first, I quickly realized that he was on a path that caused his early demise. And that everything is in divine order. And I am sad but not devastated. I hope I’m being clear, because I love my brother very much, but I’m willing to believe that we all have a soul contract and he just fulfilled his. And I truly believe that I will see him and all my friends and relatives when it’s my turn to go home.

     So as the title of this blog says, “THE WORLD IS WAKING UP!” So it’s my wish that more people will keep their eyes wide open, and realize that the Universe is no joke. When things like the pandemic happen it is a WAKE UP call.When the whole world shuts down it forces us to re-evaluate everything. And even though it seems like a bad thing, it also did a lot of good. 

     So keep your eyes and ears open and feel the wave of love that is swooping through all of us. Give peace a chance and try loving one another. Look past the human construct and see the real person, the spiritual being that connects us all. We are one, we are love, we are source.

     So remember there is always great love for you here.


                                                Deb Mertan

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